Not To Forget conducts a workshop on electoral reform for Local Election Law No. 10 of 2005.

A workshop in collaboration between the Association Not To Forget, the Arab World Observatory for Democracy and Elections, and the Central Elections Committee.
3 months ago
Not To Forget conducts a workshop on electoral reform for Local Election Law No. 10 of 2005.

The Arab World Observatory for Democracy and Elections, in collaboration with the Association Not To Forget and the Central Elections Committee, organized a workshop on electoral reform for Local Election Law No. 10 of 2005. The workshop took place at the Not To Forget Association Hall, with the participation of representatives from political parties, factions, civil society institutions, and community activists.

During the workshop, the General Director of the Observatory, Aref Jafal, along with Dr. Talib Awad, an international elections expert, and the Programs Director at the Observatory, Shafaa Bisharat, discussed the Local Authorities Election Law, existing loopholes requiring amendment, women's representation in elections, the importance of election monitoring, and the role of factions and political parties in elections.

A discussion ensued on the raised issues, with participants concurring on the necessity to amend the Local Authorities Law, activate the role of factions and political parties, emphasize increasing women's representation in elections, ensure election monitoring, conduct elections in all population centers, refrain from using endorsements in council formations, reduce the influence of families on candidate lists and election outcomes.

Furthermore, there was a focus and emphasis on providing real opportunities for youth to access decision-making positions.