Children's program

Program vision: Promoting children's dignity and well-being, advocating for a decent quality of life as a fundamental right, not a luxury for the privileged few
1 year ago
Children's program

Ensuring the fundamental human dignity of all children lies at the heart of the Childhood Program. This initiative underscores the inherent value of every child, affirming that their individual dignity must be recognized and safeguarded. The program acknowledges the significance of safeguarding their well-being and development, encompassing their physical health, emotional welfare, and cognitive growth.

Furthermore, the Childhood Program endeavors to establish the principle that a decent quality of life is the entitlement of every child, not a privilege reserved for a select few. The program actively strives to eliminate disparities, aiming to create a society where each child has access to essential necessities such as proper nutrition, education, and a nurturing environment.

Lastly, the program champions the concept that every child should be afforded the opportunity to realize their full potential. In doing so, it aligns with global objectives concerning child welfare and rights, working towards a future where children worldwide, regardless of their circumstances, can thrive and prosper.

Projects Related

Psychological Support

Psychological Support Project for the support of children in the Jenin camp.

Toys for Peace

2011-2015 A project for the development of an educational toys production workshop for children, funded by UNDP.

Project to develop a children's playground.

Project to develop a children's playground funded by the Japanese people.

Supporting a Peaceful Life for Refugee

The refugee in Jenin camp are living in a situation of armed conflict. Since 2010, a project has been in place to support these individuals in their quest for a peaceful collective life.

The ”After School project “

(2009-2010) Was funded by Islamic Relief France with the aim of supporting children in an after-school program.

Play to Learn

In 2019, with the support of the Right to Play Foundation and the Teacher Creativity Foundation. This collaboration aimed to assist children, particularly those with learning difficulties

The” BADER" Project

2008-2009, funded by the Norwegian People's Aid Office, its aim was to provide comprehensive training and education to young individuals regarding their political and social rights