"Not To Forget" Collaborates with the Canadian Representative Office to Empower Women in Jenin Refugee Camp to Overcome Challenges
As a part of the meeting between the "Not To Forget" Association and the Canadian Ambassador to discuss the challenges faced by women in the camp.
As part of its ongoing efforts to support and empower women in various aspects of life, the "Not To Forget" Association continues to work with the Canadian Representative Office in Palestine to provide support to women in Jenin Refugee Camp. A significant meeting was held between the association and the Canadian Ambassador in Palestine, during which the major challenges faced by women in the camp and ways to address them were discussed.
These efforts aim to empower the women in the camp to face these challenges by developing their skills and enhancing their capacities in various fields. This initiative is part of a series of programs and projects that seek to strengthen the role of Palestinian women in society and improve their living conditions within the camp.