Not To Forget Organizes Workshop for Women in Popular Committees

This activity is part of the Voices of Refugee Women project, which is implemented across ten Palestinian camps in the West Bank. African Women's Development Fund
1 month ago
Not To Forget Organizes Workshop for Women in Popular Committees

As part of the Voices of Refugee Women project, funded by the African Women's Development Fund, the Not To Forget Association held a workshop for refugee women in the popular committees of Palestinian camps in the West Bank.

The workshop began with a warm welcome from the program director, Samah Abu Saydo, who praised the participants for their active involvement in the project. She emphasized the importance of showcasing the role of women in the popular committees and highlighted how their contributions have become increasingly significant and impactful in the current circumstances.

Discussions during the workshop addressed crisis management and strategies for minimizing the occurrence of crises through effective planning and programming.

To help alleviate the psychological pressures women have faced in light of recent incursions into Palestinian camps, the workshop also included stress-relief activities for the participants.

Additionally, the session reviewed the project's progress, reflecting on the previous phase and showcasing initiatives implemented by refugee women in the popular committees, women's centers, and the Popular Committee for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled. These initiatives aim to empower women in Palestinian camps and highlight their roles. Participants engaged in discussions about these initiatives, focusing on their importance and exploring ways to enhance them in the next phase.