Not to Forget Participates in a Workshop to Strengthen the Palestinian Educational Community

Not to Forget Participates in a Workshop to Strengthen the Palestinian Educational Community

Not to Forget participated in a workshop organized by the Palestinian Education Coalition to develop its three-year strategic plan as part of efforts to strengthen the Palestinian educational community. The coalition launched a specialized strategic planning workshop with the participation of representatives from educational institutions and civil society organizations. The workshop aimed to establish a clear vision and an updated strategic plan to enhance education in Palestine, focusing on improving its quality and ensuring the right to education for all.

 Important Guidelines for Parents on Helping Children Cope with Fear

Important Guidelines for Parents on Helping Children Cope with Fear

During times of fear and uncertainty, the role of parents and caregivers is crucial in helping children manage their emotions in a healthy way. In places like Jenin Refugee Camp, where families are facing particularly difficult security conditions, children may experience heightened anxiety and distress. As the saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Here are some essential tips to support children during crises and help them feel safe and reassured.

Self-Care Sessions for Women

Self-Care Sessions for Women

These activities are conducted in Jenin Camp, New Askar Camp, and Balata Camp as part of the "My Safe Space" project, funded by the Canadian government and implemented by Not To Forget.

Not To Forget Continues Efforts to Promote Children's Mental Health

Not To Forget Continues Efforts to Promote Children's Mental Health

Mental health is one of the key factors in shaping a child's character and future. As part of its children's resilience activities, "Not To Forget" continues its efforts to promote mental health through workshops and activities designed to strengthen children's ability to face psychological challenges.

Not To Forget Continues Its Community Awareness Campaign

Not To Forget Continues Its Community Awareness Campaign

Photos from an Awareness Workshop within the "Voice of Refugee Women" Project, Implemented by Not To Forget Association and Funded by the African Women's Development Fund, in Collaboration with the Popular Committee for Services of New Askar Refugee Camp and the Women's Center. The workshop was led by Mr. Suleiman Basharat, with the presence of Mrs. Shahira Balbisi, Project Coordinator, Mr. Mohammed Abu Kashk, Head of the Popular Committee, representatives from active institutions in the camp, and a group of women activists in the camp.

Not To Forget Organizes a Recreational Activity for Children in Jenin

Not To Forget Organizes a Recreational Activity for Children in Jenin

As part of its initiatives supporting children's mental health, the Not To Forget Association organized a horseback riding activity, providing a unique opportunity to enhance the psychological and mental balance of participating children. Horseback riding helps reduce daily stress, promoting relaxation and reflection in nature. This event is part of a series of activities through which the association aims to promote mental health and develop life skills in children in a safe and supportive environment.

"Not To Forget" Launches the #ForYou Campaign as Part of the Safe Space Project

"Not To Forget" Launches the #ForYou Campaign as Part of the Safe Space Project

The #ForYou campaign is launched by the "Not To Forget" Association as part of the Safe Space Project, funded by Representative Office of Canada to the Palestinian Authority.

Training Course on Digital Marketing and Awareness of Economic Rights.

Training Course on Digital Marketing and Awareness of Economic Rights.

As part of the "Your Hand With Us" project for women's economic rights (Fem Power), implemented by the "Not To Forget" Association in partnership with the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development, the "Not To Forget" Association concluded a training course on digital marketing and awareness of economic rights for women working in the informal sector. The course lasted for four days and was attended by 25 young women who either have small businesses or are planning to start their own. PWWSD Women Rights - Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

Not to Forget Continues Activities of the "My Right" Camp

Not to Forget Continues Activities of the "My Right" Camp

The activities of the "My Right" camp aim to reach a broad segment of children in Jenin Camp.