Tips for relieving and preventing psychological stress to maintain your mental and physical health.

Tips for relieving and preventing psychological stress to maintain your mental and physical health.

1- Avoid what hurts you. 2- Relaxation 3-Avoid bad habits. 4- Exercise regularly. 5- .Connect with others 6-Learn stress management techniques. 7-Seeking advice from a mental health or medical professional.

Not To Forget Association continues its Ramadan campaign. In partnership with the Islamic Center for Services.

Not To Forget Association continues its Ramadan campaign. In partnership with the Islamic Center for Services.

Not To Forget Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the impoverished children, orphans, and widowed women in the Jenin refugee camp. The residents of the camp face challenging circumstances and harsh conditions, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. In response, we have launched Ramadan campaigns to provide support to these families. Currently, we are distributing essential items such as food parcels, infant formula, meat, and poultry, all of which have been generously donated by individuals. In addition, we are organizing collective iftars for children to break their fast together. So far, we have distributed 150 food parcels containing poultry to 75 families. We hope that the spirit of giving and generosity will continue to reach more families in need within the community

Psychological First Aid Training Course.

Psychological First Aid Training Course.

Not To Forget Association has concluded a training course in which 12 psychological and social specialists participated. The course consisted of 20 training hours and covered primary psychological first aid skills. This training is part of the association's vision to enhance the competency of its teams and volunteers, in collaboration with the Women for Peace and Humanitarian Action Fund.

The psychological support team is honored.

The psychological support team is honored.

Not to forget honored the psychological support team at a ceremony held at the association's headquarters in the presence of the board of directors. The president of the association, Farah Abu Al-Hijaa, opened the ceremony with a speech emphasizing the importance of women's roles in difficult circumstances and the association's role in the psychological and social support program for children and women in the camp. She also stressed the urgent need to provide psychological support in the face of the daily challenges the camp encounters. The coordinator of the psychological support project, Mustaham Abu Salameh, spoke about the team's role and the challenges they faced over the course of 12 years, highlighting the project's significance and expressing gratitude to the ministry, the Luxembourgish Committee for Fair Peace, and the team for their support of refugee issues.

Recreational Activity for the Children of Jenin Camp

Recreational Activity for the Children of Jenin Camp

Children in Jenin camp are experiencing a challenging and hardship-filled life due to the current situation in the camp. In the midst of these harsh conditions, "Not to forget" organized diverse and appropriate recreational activities for the children, aiming to alleviate the psychological pressures they endure. These activities aim to give the children a chance to relax and have fun by offering various activities, fostering social interaction among the children, strengthening human connections, and easing the psychological tensions resulting from difficult circumstances. This comprehensive approach in supporting the children living in the camp is part of "Not to forget" efforts to improve their quality of life and provide a safe and stimulating environment. It is expected that these activities will contribute to enhancing the children's skills and promoting positive thinking, helping them adapt to daily challenges and move towards a better future.

The young leadership group conducted a dialogue session.

The young leadership group conducted a dialogue session.

The Young Leaders Group conducted a dialogue session as part of the "Your Hands with Us" feminist project for economic rights. The session engaged women working in the informal sector, organized by the "Not to forget" Association in partnership with Palestinian working women. This session is a result of a series of training received by young leaders on the importance of raising awareness about economic rights for women in the private sector. The session included various activities, such as brainstorming sessions and discussions about women's rights. Emphasis was placed on spreading awareness about economic rights through educating women about labor laws and highlighting the significance of securing rights for those working in the informal sector.

Activities to enhance the role of women in grassroots committees.

Activities to enhance the role of women in grassroots committees.

Not to forget association is implementing the Voices of Refugee Women project, funded by the African Women's Development Fund and in partnership with grassroots committees to promote the role of women in these committees.

Tips provided by the Feminism for Women's Economic Rights program.

Tips provided by the Feminism for Women's Economic Rights program.

As part of the 'Your Hand with Us' project to raise awareness about economic rights, Fem Power.

Not to forget participates in a training course on mobile journalism to advocate for women's economic rights.

Not to forget participates in a training course on mobile journalism to advocate for women's economic rights.

Not to forget Association participated in a training course on mobile journalism, aimed at enhancing and developing media skills to advocate for women's rights in the field of economics. The training targeted participants from Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Tunisia, and was part of the "Feminism for Working Women" project. The course is fully funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is implemented in collaboration with four regional institutions. Titled "Feminism for Economic Women's Rights," the course seeks to highlight the challenges facing working women and promote their economic rights.